Developing your company brand is key to driving customers to your business. The more that your brand resonates with your customers, the higher the chances of buying from you again.
Creating this loyal following of customers can ensure continued success and help drive sales of your company’s products and services. Research shows that 80% of your company’s future revenue will come from 20% of your current customer base. Below are some of the ways you can achieve this.
Every customer expects a certain level of quality. Exceeding your customer’s expectations while giving a level of quality that they can count on will earn you their loyalty and respect. To achieve this, you need to focus on quality assurance.
Great customer service can either build or break a brand. Your customer service staff build relationships with your customers. Great programs should focus on treating customers well, answering questions and exceeding their expectations. This is because buyers become frustrated over small problems, such as unclear communication, slow follow-up on questions or ignored requests. These can make your customers opt for a competitor who might not be offering the best products but they have good customer service.
It is important to remember that people are constantly looking for ways to better themselves. Each time a person looks for you they have reasons to do this. For example if your company creates content, don’t write content for the sake of it, do it with the end goal of increasing their well of knowledge. Understand their personalities, what drives them and what they like about your brand. Following this pattern will soon increase results. On the other hand in case you don't directly create content, make sure that your point of contact with your customers such as your website is very user friendly and attractive such that interacting with you is an enjoyable experience.
Connecting with your customers helps you create a sense of belonging and community. Listening to your customers’ feedback and acting on it is a great way of retaining them. You can use social media to inform customers about new trends, special deals and discounts and the next steps your company is taking. Customers in every industry want to feel that you care about them outside of your business transactions with them. For example a thank you note will go a long way in making them smile. One of the companies that does this so well is a nail parlour known as Mel’s in Nairobi CBD whenever you visit them they take in your details like your birthday and they will be sure to wish you a happy one together with a special treat for you.
Use the data your customers give to you to create more personalised experiences to deliver what they want. Whenever you reach out to them, you should address them by their names because that is their identity e.g Dear Rose we wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Another way is to create customised offers and content based on their data. An example of a company that does this well is Safaricom, any time they are introducing something new into the market they will send messages each addressing their customers by their names. Another way is that banks also wish their clients happy birthdays when they come.
Even as you try your best to get new customers to your business it is important to maintain a great relationship with the ones you already have so that they can keep coming back as they recommend you to their circles of influence.
Checking in with customers after the sale is critical to establishing long-term relationships, especially in business-to-business. Check in with your customers at every level of business when they are just about to do business with you, after they have done business with you and at regular intervals. Feedback will help you grow your brand as you will learn about your strengths which you can empower and your weaknesses which you can work on. People care about you more when they know how much you care.
Business development is great, however this does not mean that you get too comfortable with the customers you already have. You need to work towards making them stay happy and content.