Adding your Holiday Packages on Ticketsasa
1 October 2020
Ticketsasa Travel offers a simple marketplace for any Hospitality business to list their Holiday specials and customers can log on to find, book, and make payments including installment payments.
Get Your Holiday package listed
- As the holiday package owner you will need to go to and register as a merchant
- You will receive two emails from [email protected], one to activate your account and another with a consumer key and secret. Keep these at reach as you will need the details to receive payments for your events
- Send information [email protected] about your holiday package as follows
- Artwork for your holiday package with the following pixel dimensions
- Package photo – 330px by 320px
- Slideshow image* - 800px pixels 305px
- Event Information
- Package Name
- Package Description
- Package Price (In case Event has several tickets, indicate pricing for each, and when they are to start selling)
- Package offer date & time
- Package Venue.
- The Package will go live within 3 hours.
*Only Holiday package that have surpassed a certain limit of tickets sold will be featured on the slideshow
For pricing information, on how much Ticketsasa will charge for selling holiday packages on this website, kindly refer to the pricing page here
In case of any questions, kindly contact Support