6 Ways You Can Optimize Your Website To Rank On Google

6 Ways You Can Optimize Your Website To Rank On Google

On 27 September 2019

Keywords help to improve your rank which in turn generates more traffic to your website.

However in order to make a lasting impact ensure that the traffic results in an increase in engagement and conversions. Monitor the conversion rates to depict whether they are increasing . As it will be proof that you are attracting the right profitable traffic. Today we discuss ways in which you can optimize your website for conversion.

  1. Sending Captivating Emails

Sending out regular newsletters and promoting offers through email is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and can also help to get traffic to your website. Provide useful information and links to pages on your website where they can learn more, such as through blog posts and landing pages for particular offers. Just make sure that you avoid continually bombarding your readers with emails or your customers will either disengage with, delete, or unsubscribe to your emails.

  1. Guest Blogging

Approach someone in the society who has influence and knowledge about your industry. Having an industry influencer publish a blog post on your site or turning an interview with them into a blog post can help to drive traffic both through organic search but also via that influencer promoting the content to their audience. This can also help to add more variety to your content and show your visitors that you are active in your field. Alternatively,  you can request them to do reviews about your products thus there is mutual benefit where you both get what you want.

  1. Be Active On Social Media

It’s free to be active in online groups and on websites that are relevant to your business and community—and it helps you to obtain more traffic. Comment on blogs and social media posts, answer questions people are posting and participate in conversations about your industry. The more you engage with your community, the more exposure and profile visits you get. Link your social media pages to your website so as to get more people to view  it this in return creates customer loyalty for the customer realize that you care for their emotional needs not only materialistic needs.. Engage moderately and sincerely this create a sense of belonging to the clientele and build a long lasting relationship between the two parties 

  1. Incorporate Paid Search Advertising  

With Google Ads, you pay to have your website (usually a landing page) show up at the top of search results for keywords. When a query is entered using those keywords, Google looks at all accounts bidding on those keywords and will display and rank the paid results according to the quality and relevance of the advertisement.

Paid search results show up first, at the very top of the result pages. This type of exposure is a great way to generate more traffic to your website by qualified visitors. The advantage is that you only pay  when someone clicks on your ad.

  1. Content Marketing On LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become much more than a means of finding another job. The world’s largest professional social network is now a valuable publishing platform, which means you should be posting content to LinkedIn on a regular basis. Doing so can boost traffic to your site, as well as increase your profile within your industry–especially if you have a moderate to a large following.

Linked in connects your business to the world this is really  beneficial since you both benefit. 

6.Product Reviews

Like the book review, a product review can help establish authority and leadership in your business Every business has its own unique array of products, software, and services. When you engage key developers, manufacturers, or service providers, you gain recognition and respect. All you need to do is share your experience with the product and provide your recommendation.

Things to keep in mind: If the product is a physical item, you may want to have a video component to the review. A video allows you to take a hands-on approach to the product as you review it.

High website traffic could lead to an increase in your revenue if the traffic is converted to potential clients. Once you have attracted people to your website, ensure that the content written there is appealing and straight to the point so as to sell your products in the least time possible. Through this you will be able to maximize the use of your website in creating awareness and business. 

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