Benjamin Franklin once said, “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.”
In business having a good reputation will make it easier for you to earn your clients’ trust. When you are known as a person who delivers what they promise you will be considered credible and as a result you will grow your market share through referrals from clients who are satisfied. Endeavor to maintain a positive brand image especially during this digital era of millennials where your business can be accessed online and rated according to a client's perception. In this article we plunge into five simple ways in which you can build your reputation.
Ever heard of the saying, “Dress how you want to be addressed?” Most people will form a mental image about you from the moment that they set their eyes on you. Your potential customers will place you in a certain category the minute that they first interact with you. Dressing appropriately, elegantly and simply will make it easier for you to relate with them and will help you to leave a positive statement in their minds. Always remember that the first impression always leaves a lasting perception. Today people judge you by your physical appearance even before they give you time to pitch your business idea to them.
Respect is accorded to any business that always honors its word when dealing with clients. A client is happy when his request is honored and no misunderstanding occurs. Speedily explain to a client in case you cannot fulfill your promise to him/ her for them to perceive you in a positive manner. The reputation of honoring your word garners you a loyal and long-term clientele base, since they are assured they can count on you for anything that they require and get at the agreed time limit.
Clients get attached to a business that frequently communicates with them to inquire about their well-being. Try and indulge with your clients to get some basic information about their personal life. For example, knowing your client’s birthday will help you to create a personalized product or service for them during such a day which will make them feel special.A common saying goes, “people will not care much about you until they know how much you care.”This automatically guarantees a long-lasting relationship with your clients as it creates a sense of belonging.
Clients today do a background check on the business they are associated with or plan to associate with, they do this by visiting your website, you should ensure that your business has positive online reviews from satisfied clients and that the negative reviews are dealt with in a professional manner to assure prospective customers that visit your website that you take your clients complaints seriously and you speedily attend to their concerns.
Cross-examining your clients is the simplest way to acquire raw and honest feedback concerning your business, they will plainly tell you what they don't like about your services or your product, that you would never have heard from your internal circle especially your employees, if you have not introduced an open communication system between you and the employees. Clients will give you feedback on what you are doing wrong, therefore you will take appropriate measures to improve your customer service, in order to create a good reputation.
One of the ways of doing this is by ensuring that you make it easier and faster for your customers to pay you. Pesapal is happy to help you do that by enabling your customers to pay you both online and on-site. They can conveniently pay using a variety of payment options such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express and mobile money.
Find out some of our payment solutions that can make it easier for your clients to pay you
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