Major Duka Manager Update

Major Duka Manager Update

On 9 August 2018

In an effort to provide you with relevant and useful solutions to help you with your business operations, we are updating the Duka Manager app.

This is a major update that will require you to uninstall and reinstall your app on the 17th of August, 2018. The new version of the app comes with New features tailored to make running your business a lot more efficient.

The new features include:

  1. Easy to navigate dashboard - You can now access information on all your outlets, suppliers, goods and/or services under the 'Manage Business' tab. This is designed to give you a simple overview of your business at a glance.
    Easier Transaction and Business Overview

    Easier Transaction and Business Overview

  2. Personal Information Update - Are you rebranding or renaming your business? Changing your business telephone number? You can now update your business information and have it reflect in your merchant account a lot more easily from the 'My Account' tab.
    Change and Update Your Account Information

    Change and Update Your Account Information

  3. Friendlier settings - We've enabled you to select a grid or list layout to help with navigation within the app.
    Select Language and View Settings

    Select Language and View Settings

  4. Know your customer - Create a profile for your customer complete with their phone number and email address. This not only allows you to open a credit facility for them, but also tell who your most loyal customers are.
    Update Customer Information

    Update Customer Information

  5. Track supplier payments - You can now see the payments made to your supplier under 'View Activity'
  6. Log Services - If you run a service only business, you can now create sale items without inputting stock figures.
    Service Sale Update

    Service Sale Update


Please update your app by visit this link -

Need help or more information on Duka Manager and the new updates? Please email us on [email protected] or contact us

Published In: How To's
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