Duka Manager is a one-stop digital solution by Pesapal that enables businesses to manage their store sales, inventory, and payments.
How to be on top of your game and stay ahead of the competition is the desired dream of every entrepreneur.
The payments industry continues to evolve and create innovative solutions that are geared towards enabling businesses to reach more customers, and to facilitate seamless payments.
The unprecedented times brought about by Covid-19 have forced businesses to come up with new strategies in order to stay afloat during these tough times.
Business is better when passion, skill and expertise meet.
It is said that the state of your most frequented spaces is the state of your mind.
It is slightly over one year since ResRequest and Pesapal partnered in order to offer a seamless property management process for boutique safari lodges and hotels.
Donak Safaris is the perfect example of how unity in vision can enable people to achieve anything that they set their minds on.
Every business is unique in its own way.
Everyday people use Pesapal tools to help start, run and grow their business- here’s one of their stories.
Greatness begins the moment that passion, potential and hard work meet. Alex Githae tells the story of Alexi'z Salon and Spa
Online Flight Reservation has been the biggest bookable section in the travel sector.
The foundation years of a child are the most critical part of their life.
Airline competition has stiffened over the years with the penetration of hybrid and low-cost carriers.
The simple and efficient way to accept card payments and mobile money in your business.
A payments page is an option for accepting payments as business owner and it works best for travel agents.
The festive season is the perfect opportunity for any business to up-sell.